Saturday, April 12, 2014

It's A Girl!

There is no question that I love my "alone" time so it was no surprise that I was cherishing the business of the local Wegmans grocery store one late Saturday afternoon in March.  As I was meandering through the aisles, I reflected on the week ahead.  I wasn't looking forward to Tim beginning his eight-night Mission experience at our church, leaving Molly and I every evening for over a week, but I knew that with God's strength, and prayer, we would be able to survive.

It wasn't entirely my fault that I was late arriving home that evening...remembering why I don't frequently shop for food on the weekends.  So, upon arriving home, I rushed into the house, apologized for being late, and told Tim that he could be on his way while I encouraged my daughter to help me bring in the groceries.  I was a little surprised to hear Tim say, however, that "plans have changed."

As I looked at him with a puzzled expression, he continued by saying, "we got a call from Bethany."  I stopped dead in my tracks and looked at Tim with a "deer in the headlights" kind of stare...not quite sure what to say next.  Finally, I emitted, "What did they say?" whereby my four year old started to say, "let me tell her daddy!"  I looked at sweet Molly with a great big smile on her face as she said, "we're going to have a baby!"  I looked at Tim...and back at Molly...and then back at Tim again when he said, "well..."  And then Molly clarified, "well, we have to meet the birthparents and if they choose us, we're going to get a baby!  And if they don't choose us, well then we're not going to get a baby."  Pretty simple to comprehend, even for a growing toddler.

I didn't know whether or not to scream, jump up and down or cry, so I did all three.  As I brought in the groceries and was putting them away, Tim began to relay the details of the phone call as best as he could remember.  Our social worker, Becky, had called to say that a baby girl had been born at Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester and the birthmother was looking to place her for adoption.  She and the birthfather had selected three couples to interview, and we were among those chosen.  We would meet with them the next afternoon.  And, as Molly simply stated before, if the birth family chose us, we would be taking the baby home from the hospital.

The baby was born Friday afternoon and was already two days old.  I was so excited and nervous, but at the same time, uncharacteristically calm.  Tim and I embraced, discussed some of the remaining details of the phone call...information about the birth prenatal care...young couple in their twenties...birthmom smoked...and as far as the agency knew, the baby girl was healthy.  After the groceries were put away and dinner made and eaten, Tim went to Mission that evening at church, and we continued on with our evening's plans as if nothing was different.  And nothing really was different...but the possibilities were forever life changing...and beautiful.


  1. I cannot wait to read the rest of your story!! Thank you so much for posting your story. We have been dying to hear it! Congrats again and we can't wait to meet Chloe. Love the name by the way!

  2. yeah,finish it sister, with all your free time, LOL! ;) #off-to-nap-perhaps-like-u?#
