Thursday, December 13, 2012

AND...So (S*)IT begins.

Our first roadblock.  A form letter from Baker Victory Services.  Stating that we will be placed on a waiting list until the child that we desire becomes available.  No timeline of events.  No moving forward with a homestudy, etc.  Just a promise to "check in" with us in a year.  Really?!  A year?!  I don't know what to say to this.  I've put in a call for further information, but I think it's safe to say that we're on to adoption agency "B"...

1 comment:

  1. Honestly, I went to my first meeting about becoming a foster parent in September of 2008. I then had to fill out my beginning paper work before starting the classes in December. The classes were for ten weeks and due to a few weeks off I ended in March. Then, I had to wait on home studies and reference checks till May when I went before the board to be approved. I was approved in June, but put my plan on hold for a grad. class. I finally signed the final paper work the end of July and had my first placement by August, and Naz by mid. November. That's was about a year! Don't give up, the process is frustrating but I think a year is semi-normal. I would keep other agencies open too! The classes teach you a lot, maybe you should try that route at the same time. Be Strong!
