Thursday, December 6, 2012

Dear Birthmother

Well, I did it!!  I wrote the letter that the mother of my child will someday use as a tool to select me to raise her baby.  It was difficult and exhausting, but beautiful as well.  I'm unsure whether or not I should post it here.  It is very personal, but I am also very proud of it.  If you are interested in reading it, let me know and I can give you a synopsis.  Thank you all for your continued prayers and support of Tim and I as we continue on this incredible journey.  I am off to proofread everything before it goes into the mail!!


  1. Erin, you show so much courage and faith. You are an inspiration. If you would like to share any parts of your letter, I would love to hear it! Prayers for you all!!

  2. Erin- I just came across the blog. I am praying for you everyday and the child who you eventually welcome into your home. Thank you for shaing your story with us.
